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Want to add your business?

There are 3 ways to add your company to the Business Happy India Holidays Directory. If you choose our Standard or Featured Listing options, we guarantee to add your listing within 7 days and you don’t need to link back to us. Why should I advertise my company?

Business Listing Types Explained:

1. Standard Listings View an Example

The majority of listings displayed on the India’s Travel Business Directory are Standard Listings. Standard Listings look identical to Free Listings BUT by purchasing a Standard Listing, we guarantee to add your listing within 7 days AND you don’t have to link back to us from your own website – something you may have to pay your web designer to do! 

2. Featured listings – Get maximum value & exposure! View an Example

Many advertisers opt for Featured Listings which are positioned at the very top of the page and display far more information about your company, including your logo, telephone number and postal address and naturally attract a higher level of referral traffic than Standard Listings.

3. Free Listings View an Example

Free Listings are identical to Standard Listings BUT appear at the very bottom of the page below any Standard and Featured Listings. When requesting a Free Listing you must use the HTML code provided to add a link back to the India’s Travel Business Directory from your own website.